
Actors are self-contained computational entities that represent individual units of computation within the framework. They encapsulate both state and behavior, and communicate through message passing.

Xoscar supports both stateful and stateless actors. Stateful actors ensure thread safety for concurrent systems while stateless actors can handle massive volumes of concurrent messages.

See also


Define an actor#

To define a stateful actor, your actor should inherit from the base class xoscar.Actor. For stateless actors, the inheritance should be from xoscar.StatelessActor.

Two special methods are available for customization. The first method is invoked before the actor is created, allowing you to set up any necessary initialization logic. The second method is called after the actor is destroyed, providing an opportunity for cleanup or finalization tasks.

import xoscar as xo

# a stateful actor.
# to define a stateless actor, inherit from xo.StatelessActor.
class MyActor(xo.Actor):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    async def __post_create__(self):
        # called after created
    async def __pre_destroy__(self):
        # called before destroy
    def method_a(self, arg_1, arg_2, **kw_1):  # user-defined function
    async def method_b(self, arg_1, arg_2, **kw_1):  # user-defined async function

Create an actor#

To create an actor, you need to provide the address of the actor pool where you want the actor to reside, along with a unique ID for the actor. Additionally, you need to provide any required positional and keyword arguments during the actor’s initialization.

actor_ref = await xo.create_actor(
    MyActor, 1, 2, a=1, b=2,
    address='<ip>:<port>', uid='UniqueActorName'

Create a actor reference#

To create a reference to a specific actor, you need to provide both the ID of the actor and the address of the actor pool in which the actor is located.

actor_ref = await xo.actor_ref(address, actor_id)

Check the existence of an actor#

To check the existence of an actor, you need to provide a reference to the actor.

await xo.has_actor(actor_ref)

Invoke an actor’s method#

You can invoke an actor’s method by its reference.

await actor_ref.method_a(1, 2, a=1, b=2)

Destroy an actor#

You can destroy an actor and release corresponding resources by its reference.

await xo.destroy_actor(actor_ref)